segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2019


You’ll probably see a lot of things about beating procrastination, being more productive and focusing better floating around our site. Probably because I’m one of those folks who falls into the trap of LOOK AT ALL THE SHINY THINGS ON THE INTERNET! (This is me. I’m not ashamed, mainly because I know it isn’t just me!) Especially with all of the awesome digital tools available to use these days, distractions are numerous. Getting your students to be able to focus won’t only help you from ripping your hair out in the middle of your classroom, but it will help them in the long run, too.
The handy infographic below takes a look at a number of different ways to help you focus. Share them with your students – while many of them can’t be applied in the classroom, they can be applied at home for a homework workspace.
Do you have any other tricks that you use to help yourself focus? Weigh in by leaving a comment below, mentioning @Edudemic on Twitter or leaving your thoughts on our Facebook page.

How To Focus
·  Keep snacks at your desk – glucose helps your brain focus
·  Turn off your phone
·  Sit in a good chair
·  Make a list
·  Put on headphones – even if you don’t turn music on
·  Clear your workspace
·  Shut off everything that you aren’t using
·  Time yourself
·  Reward yourself for reaching goals
·  Frame a picture of your (big) goal – keep looking at it!
·  Keep your pet nearby – animals help you focus.

By Katie Lepi